Our farmers

Satisfied customers as the best ambassadors

Already more than

farmers trust us
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"Manure remains manure so also remains just suitable as fertiliser for the land. You borrow it for a while to turn it into biogas."

Family Wientjes
Dairy farmer (NL)

"Our digester has been running for 10 years. Good for the environment and the neighbourhood."

Family De Baerdemaeker
Dairy farmer (BE)

"Our automated installation only takes a few minutes a day. Feel free to come and have a look."

Family Van Poppel
Dairy farmer (NL)

"Biolectric's service is top notch. A dedicated team is always ready to help."

Family Schuurmans
Dairy farmer (NL)

"We sell our products in our farm shop & heat a room with the residual heat. This is welcomed here in the region."

Kris Gansbeke
Dairy farmer (BE)

"From cow shit to power. Simply amazing."

Familie Vijverberg
Dairy farmer (NL)

"Biolectric's technical guarantee, I am very satisfied with that! It is a security and provides additional stability to my business"

Family Schilder
Dairy farmer (NL)

"Daily follow-up in less than 15 minutes a day.This keeps the focus on the farm and the cows"

Family Bom
Dairy farmer (NL)

"The digestate allows me to use less artificial fertilizer on my land. I sell the solid fraction after digesting and separating as dry cow manure for the garden."

Family Kloosterboer
Dairy farmer (NL)

"The most important thing for us is the return on investment.The fact that it is good for the environment is also very nice"

Family Groot Wassink
Dairy farmer (NL)

"Energy from manure. That's how we do something for the environment & set the farm up for the next generation."

Family Verschaeve
Dairy farmer (BE)

"Besides electricity, there is also heat.I use this for my nitrogen stripper. With this, I make my own fertiliser"

Family Wientjes
Dairy farmer (NL)

"Daily follow-up in less than 15 minutes a day. This allows me to keep the focus on my cow and cheese making"

Family Verweij
Dairy farmer (NL)

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8:30 - 17:00

Maandag - vrijdag
8:30 - 17:00

Maandag - vrijdag
8:30 - 17:00

Maandag - vrijdag
8:30 - 17:00

Maandag - vrijdag
8:30 - 17:00

Maandag - vrijdag
8:30 - 17:00