Emission reduction

Fewer emissions, more energy

Source: European Environment Agency

More than 10% of Europe’s greenhouse gas emissions are attributed to agriculture, mainly from methane (CH4), with 74% coming from enteric fermentation and 26% from manure storage.

Contribution from Biolectric

Biolectric installations since 2011
Green electricity
0 MWe
useful heat
0 MWth

Equivalent to about

Annual reduction of about

0 Tons

By converting methane to COâ‚‚, which has less impact on the atmosphere because of methane's higher "Global Warming Potential"

Reduce greenhouse gas emissions by

  • Capture methane and convert to COâ‚‚ during manure storage

  • Reduce the need for fertilisers by using digestate

  • Green production of electricity and heat

Why a Biolectric?

Reduction of greenhouse gas emissions on a farm
up to 0 %

Additional benefits

Reduction of ammonia emissions and potential improvements in udder health (reduction of mastitis) by using the thick fraction as bedding material in the stable.

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8:30 - 17:00

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8:30 - 17:00

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8:30 - 17:00

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8:30 - 17:00

Maandag - vrijdag
8:30 - 17:00

Maandag - vrijdag
8:30 - 17:00